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Dysport – Dermal Injectables – New Jersey

Facial massage, wrinkles prevention. Beautician massaging her face of young handsome man

Wrinkles develop on your face as a consequence of aging. Stress, smoking and too much sun exposure can make the signs of aging appear sooner as well. Around the mouth and eyes, muscle contractions also cause the skin to crease and wrinkle over time. These wrinkles can be treated with Dysport.

Dysport is an anti-aging treatment that reduces and eliminates facial wrinkles. It works similarly to Botulinum Toxin and is specifically designed for dynamic wrinkles, or wrinkles that are caused by muscle contractions of the face. The way it works is by relaxing the muscles and limiting the contractions so that skin remains smooth and wrinkle-free.

Speak with Dr. Alexander Ovchinsky to learn more about Dysport.

Contact us at our office in New Jersey to schedule a consultation.