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Facelift New Jersey

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Face Lift surgery, also called rhytidectomy, is performed to rejuvenate the face by removing the excess, sagging skin, decreasing the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles to create a more youthful appearance. Both men and women can benefit from the face lift, though the face lift may not be right every one. Today there are a number of facial rejuvenation procedures available, some which are less invasive than the face lift, however, when there is excess, sagging skin or deep wrinkles, a face lift may be the best option. The face lift is specifically used for targeting the skin of the lower portion of the face. Some patients may opt to combine the face lift with other facial rejuvenation procedures for a more comprehensive rejuvenation result.

Ideal candidates for Face Lift surgery are in good physical and mental health, non-smokers, with realistic expectations for the procedure and its potential outcome. To learn more about the face lift, contact our office to schedule your consultation today. The most important step in your Face Lift journey is finding the right plastic surgeon for you.