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Fat Transfer – New Jersey Anti-Aging Treatment

A common strategy that is used to treat the signs of aging is adding volume to the skin. Aging skin naturally loses volume over time, which contributes to the development of wrinkles and creases. With a fat transfer, volume can be added to many areas of the body to create a fuller and more youthful appearance.

A fat transfer is a dermal-injection technique. Using your own fat may be preferable to a synthetic filler for a number of reasons. Using one’s own fat as a volumizer means there is less of a chance of infection or allergic reaction. Fat injections also tend to last much longer in the skin tissues than synthetic injectables, providing volume for years. The procedure can take as little as thirty minutes to an hour.

To learn more about the fat transfer, speak with Dr. Alexander Ovchinsky.

Contact us at our office in New Jersey to schedule a consultation.